The Norske Konsertarrangører, NKA represents 165 music venues in Norway. The venues have a median of 350 audience capacity, so are generally small. Together the venues present well over 19,000 artist performances per year, which attract almost 2.8 million visits. Also 5% of the music venues organise festivals.
The Norwegian venues do much more than live music alone, and are also involved in educational, social, artistic, culinary, and multi-disciplinary activities, such as:

NKA music venues are a mix of 21% public venues, 47% private non-profit venues, and 32% public venues and therefore have different business models. The current Survey response and results don’t give enough information yet, to publish more detailed numbers about their workers, income and expenses, but we can see that for many Norwegian venues the support from the government and the high amount of volunteers work keeps the exploitation costs lower, and this way more money can be invested in presenting local and emerging talents.
To learn more about these venues visit and/or contact NKA Survey coordinator Andreas Feen Sørensen, andreas[@]
Download the Overview
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Based on the data (year 2017) of 66 NKA music venues, collected during 2018 and 2019, and extrapolated to data of 165 music venues part of NKA and Live DMA in 2017.