Members of Live DMA are national associations representing the interests of live music venues, clubs and/or festivals. Since 2016, Live DMA also welcomes associate members into the network. Members and associate members agree with Live DMA’s ethic charter and benefit from the network’s outreach and activities. Join us!
Read our Paths of Cooperation publication to know more about how to create a national live music network and the advantages of cooperating at a European level!

Membership Benefits:
- You have the right to vote during the General Assembly and, hence, be part of Live DMA’s strategic orientations.
- Your association will be represented by Live DMA at European Commission meetings.
- You can benefit from Live DMA’s data collection methodology The Survey.
- You can take part in Live DMA activities (working groups, panels) and host Live DMA meetings with a European delegation.
- You can benefit from networking opportunities within the Live DMA network.
- You can benefit from free or reduced accreditation access to networking events and festivals.
- Travel & accommodation for Live DMA meetings and activities part of the Live Style Europe project are covered.
- You receive a bi-monthly internal newsletter about European actions, programmes, and policies, as well as about activities from Live DMA and its members.
- You have access to internal communication tools to exchange with other members on challenges that you are facing, to share your news and promote your activities.
- You will benefit from recognition on a European level.
Associate Members Benefits:
Since 2016 and as part of our capacity-building programme Live Style Europe, Live DMA supports the structuration of local and national associations in countries where live music venues, clubs, and festivals do not have a representative structure yet. For a limited time-span (discussed during the application process), associate members can benefit from the same advantages as Live DMA members. However, associate members do not have the right to vote during the General Assembly and cannot take part in the strategic orientations of the network. An associate member will always have the aspiration to become a (full) Live DMA member.
Associate members can be:
- National or regional live music associations that have been recently created and that are not yet formally structured (legal statuts are not declared yet, economic model has not been elaborated yet)
- A venue or another live music institution that is “isolated” in a small country or in a country where there is no representative live music association yet.
Annual Membership Fee:
The annual membership fee is divided into three levels. The different scales of membership fees are based on the principle of solidarity and ensures fairness among members of different size and capital.
These levels are calculated depending on the following information:
- number of staff (FTE) in the past closed financial year
- overall budget in the past closed financial year (in €), excluding the redistributed funds (= a grant that you coordinate and directly share to your members)
- main source of incomes (%) in the past closed financial year: membership fees, public funding, private funding, activities.
Level 1 For young members who have a small structural capacity and/or rely mainly on private funding. | €1650 / year |
Level 2 For young or medium members who have a small structural capacity but a better financial capacity than the first level. | €2000 / year |
Level 3 For members who have a good structural and financial capacity. | €2300 / year |
Associate Members | €600 / year |
Application Process
1 | Two meetings with the Live DMA board & coordination team
Live DMA is a close relations network, it is important to get to know each other and see if your interest/issues match with the network aims.
2 | Agree with the Live DMA ethical charter
Live DMA is a value driven organisation. When you join the network, you agree to the network’s ethic charter. You can read and download the ethical charter here.
3 | Application form & motivation letter
Write down your motivations to join Live DMA and fill in the application form that you can download here. If you want to join us, we might ask you to provide additional documents such as your legal statutes and activity reports.
4 | Approval
The board members vote for new memberships and the membership status (full member or associate member) during monthly board meetings. Once integrated, the new member pays the proportional membership fee and can participate at the network’s activities. The yearly General Assembly confirms the approval of the board and new members will be able to vote after this confirmation.
If you are interested in becoming a Live DMA member of if you want to learn more about the associate member status, you can contact the Live DMA coordination office.