ASACC represents 69 music venues in Catalonia. They have a median of 150 audience capacity, so are generally small. Together the venues present well over 30,000 artist performances per year, which attract almost 4 million visits. Also 45% of the music venues organise festivals.
The Catalonian venues do much more than live music alone, and are also involved in educational, social, artistic, culinary, and multi-disciplinary activities, such as:

ASACC music venues are for 90% private commercial venues, with a total income of well over 67 million euro. Subsidy is only 3% of the total income of all venues. The venues generate most income from the audience (91%). This money is mostly spend to cover the costs of the music programme, workers and accommodation.

The share of volunteers is very low in Catalonian music venues (1% of the total workforce). Of the 1,400 total workers in ASACC venues, 1,350 are paid workers.

To learn more about these venues visit and/or contact ASACC Survey coordinator Adriana Alcover, adriana[@]
Download the Overview
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Based on the data (year 2017) of 31 ASACC music venues, collected during 2018, and extrapolated to data of 69 music venues part of ASACC and Live DMA in 2017.