Live DMA regularly organises panels and participates in live music conferences. Find below the videos and feedbacks of the past conferences we participated in!
- STP&A Conference, Sevilla (ES), presentation of the study on Booking Practices, 12th of December
- Feria Pulsar, Keynote y conversatorio: Venues asociados: la uniĂłn hace la mĂșsica, 6th of December in Santiago, Chile
- BIME PRO (Bilbao, Basque Country), “how can we imagine the future of music?“, 30th of october
- EU Parliament event on “dynamic pricing” in Brussels (BE), 16 october
- So Alive in Sofia (BG), presentation of the study on Booking Practices, 2-4th October
- Creative Skills Week, Pact for Skills in Amsterdam (NL), session on Green skills / transition, 20 September
- Reeperbahn in Hamburg (DE), panel “Strengthening the European Music Ecosystem – together” & Music Moves Europe dialogue, 20th of September
- Symposium Bournemouth (UK), “Women and leadership in the CCIs“, 12-13th of September
- IASPM Conference, “place, perspective and popular music” 4-6th September in Newcastle, Ireland
- RESET event on Concentration, Brussels (BE), 26 June
- European Forum on Music, “Equity in live music – what can we learn from European venues and what challenges lie ahead” 5 June in Sofia, Bulgaria
- One Voice for European Music under the Belgian Presidency, 9 May in Brussels, BE
- Music Match, “Audience dialogue instead of marketing: how small live music venues can benefit from a two-way conversation with their audiences” 3 May in Dresden, DE
- Revelland first concerts at Sencity Festival, 5-6 April in Utrecht NL
- Conference on music “Music Moves Europe” at the European Commission, speech about the financial stability for the music ecosystem in Europe, 22nd February in Brussels, BE
- New European Bauhaus, European Parliament “sounding out opportunities for music“, 21st February in Brussels, BE
- ESNS “Booking beyond boundaries; pitches & perspectives” 18 January in Groningen, NL
- BIS, “What is the reality and recognition of club culture in France and Europe?” & “Freedoms, transitions and fair citizen participation: how can we organise ourselves collectively for a Creative Europe?” 17 January in Nantes, FR
- Visa for Music, International Music Council General Assembly, 22-25 November 2023 in Rabat (MA)
- SIMM-posium Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University, “From individual to collective wellbeing: the roles of volunteering for popular music” 20 November 2023 Online (Brisbane, AUS)
- Stadt Nach Acht, “Financing nightlife”, “Pioneering an EU standard for nightlife research”, “France & Germany clubcultures”, “Measuring nightlife: new economic studies” 16-17 November 2023 in Berlin (DE)
- Womex, LIVEMX presentation, with the Spanish EU Creative Desk, 27 October 2023 in A Coruña (ES)
- BIME PRO, “Live music and complaints from neighbors: what solutions?” and “Live music and sustainability in Europe: actions and opportunities!“, 26 October 2023 in Bilbao (ES Basque Country))
- MaMA Music & Conference, LIVEMX, nouvelle opportunité de financement pour le secteur musical européen, 11 October in Paris
- MIL Conference, How (In)Visible Is Culture In The Public Discourse?, 27 September 2023 and LIVEMX presentation, 28 September in Lisboa
- SHIP Conference, Cooperation over Competition â Presentation of two European live music networks: EEnlarge Europe & Live DMA & GREEN MOVES EU MUSIC: European opportunities for sustainable society, 15 September 2023 in Ć ibenik, Croatia, and LIVEMX presentation, 16 September
- The London Music & Wellbeing conference, speech about the wellbeing of volunteers in live music scenes, 14 September 2023, online
- EU Seminar on Gender Equality, 13-15 July 2023 in Strasbourg (FR)
- European Popular Music Research Group conference: âAdvocating for popular music: 10 years of challenges for the European network Live DMAâ, 10 July 2023 in Paris (FR)
- Raffut! “Noise complaints: How to implement mediation solutions with neighbours and local authorities“, 4-6 July in Cahors (FR)
- Forum Entreprendre dans la Culture, LIVEMX presentation, 4-6 July in Paris (FR)
- European Forum on Music, “Sustain music in local communities“, 8-10 June in Budapest (HU)
- EU Parliament Hearing on Creative Europe Programme, 13 April 2023 in Bruxelles, BE
- Revelland kick-off meeting at Sencity Festival, 24-25 March 2023 in Utrecht, NL
- ESNS 2023 – “Bring back the audience!” & “The live music sector challenges” 18-21 January 2023 in Gröningen, NL
- Cyprus Jazz and World Music Showcase festival – “Making the case for culture – data collection in the sector“, 10 December 2022 online
- TransMusicales – “Festivals de musiques actuelles en Europe: indĂ©pendance et concentration“, 9 December 2022 in Rennes (FR)
- Monkey Week – ”Verde que te quiero verde. Sustainability in live music”, 26 November 2022 in Sevilla (ES)
- NIGHTS – “More than music – the values of Club culture and Live concerts“, 11 November 2022 in Zurich (CH)
- Crossroads – “Did concentration and monopolisation increase during the crisis?“, 10 November 2022 in Roubaix (FR)
- BIME PRO – “10 years of Live DMA and cooperation across Europe to recognise the cultural value of live music venues, clubs and festivals” & “A Conversation with live music venues on new audience strategies” & “Green rider: Hacia una industria musical sostenible“, 28 October 2022 Bilbao (ES)
- MaMA – ”Decoding live music in Europe : what challenges for the popular live music scenes post-pandemic?” & ”Can we accomodate live music and peace with locals?”, 13/14 October 2022 Paris (FR)
- Stadt Nach Acht – “Key figures of the European live music sector: Survey presentation by Live DMA Survey coordinator“, 2nd September 2022, Dortmund (DE)
- Raffut! – “Point dâactualitĂ© sur les financements europĂ©ens : MusicAIRE, Europe Creative…“, 7th July 2022, Lorient (FR)
- ESNS 2022 â âLive Music Lockdown: An Industry at Risk?â, 21st January 2022 Gröningen (NL)
- Try- Angle presentation & Overview of the effects of Covid in European live music sector, 13th to 15th of December, 2021, Murcia (ES)
- BIME Pro, Presentation of the Try-Angle, 27th to 29th October, 2021, Bilbao (ES)
- MaMA Festival, “Music venues and tours: turn on the bright light”, 13 October 2021, Paris (FR)
[button url=”https://live.mamafestival.com/user/event/12426″ target=”_blank »]Listen to the podcast[/button]
- Tallinn Music Week, Live DMA Forum – 1st October 2021
- Crossroads Festival, “Creative Europe’s call for projects and contemporary music: how to get the grip of it?”, 7 September 2021 at 14:00 CET
- Wallifornia Music Tech, “Digital Safaris on Sustainability: low tech tips for sustainable music events“, 9 July 2021 at 14:00 CET
[button url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0-Cdy6dkOk&t=1s” target=”_blank »]Video streaming[/button]
- Montreal 24/24 Night Summit, “Initiatives from Europe to relaunch nightlife post-pandemic“, 16th June 2021
[button url=”https://www.facebook.com/mtl2424/videos/337221721134709″ target=”_blank »]Video streaming[/button]
- European Forum on Music by the European Music Council, “The Place of Music in Society“, 2nd June 2021
[button url=”https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanMusicCouncil/videos/1698497770342717″ target=”_blank »]Video streaming EFM[/button]
- Amplify Music 2021, 22nd to 24th April 2021
[button url=”https://amplifymusic.org/2021-videos/” target=”_blank »]Video streaming Amplify Music Panels[/button]
- Presentation of Fabian Holt’s book Everyone Loves Live Music: A Theory of Performance Institutions, 14th April 2021
- “[Open] Club Day Talk – Support Your Local Music Scene!”, February 2021
[button url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0V_WDiWi7Us” target=”_blank »]Video streaming “[Open] Club Day Talk – Support Your Local Music Scene!”[/button]
- “Phasing out of the cultural state of emergency – Strategies for music policy makers“, Music Cities Network at ESNS, January 2021
- Ătats GĂ©nĂ©raux du droit Ă la fĂȘte, “Recognition of club culture in Europe“, November 2020
[button url=”https://www.facebook.com/347106168695669/videos/158080916018345″ target=”_blank »]Video streaming “Recognition of club culture in Europe”[/button]
- Linechek, November 2020, “Clubs in Europe – The Nests of artist development on the verge of Collapse“
- ESNS, November 2020, “Live Music Lockdown – Live music venues in survival“
[button url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjfKiQIDhRc” target=”_blank »]Video streaming “Live Music Lockdown – Live music venues in survival”[/button]
- Music Cities Panel, October 2020 – “European Perspectives: Not-to-Miss Policies to Harness Music’s Potential in Cities”
- Liveurope Online Festival, September 2020 – “Strength lies in numbers: joining forces to press policy-makers”
[button url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hmob8enQu-k&list=PLyYQfbUDexodm1KwGV5DvPymW5VgbvI0D&index=2″ target=”_blank »]Video streaming “Strength lies in numbers: joining forces to press policy makers”[/button]
- WAVES Vienna, September 2020 – “The Future of the European Music Eco-System”
[button url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xykb5ENtZIk&feature=youtu.be” target=”_blank »]Video streaming “The Future of the European Music Eco-System”[/button]
- MIL URL Talks, June 2020 – “Why we need to measure the value of live music spaces in the cities”
[button url=”https://millisboa.com/mil/data-analysis-cities-mil-url-talks/” target=”_blank »]Video & Report “Why we need to measure the value of live music spaces in the cities”[/button]
- IQ Focus Virtual Panel, June 2020 – “Grassroots Music Venues in Crisis“
[button url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EV9lIZyDoFU” target=”_blank »]Watch IQ Panel “Grassroots Music Venues in Crisis”[/button]
- Amplify Music – Virtual Conference, April 2020 – “Advocacy Approaches from Europe” | “COVID-19, and then what?” | “The diversity of the European live music sector” | “How Data is Collectable/Collected Toward Local Action and Recovery“
[button url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iju3r1e8JjE&list=PLmsmFIwBXxtVzq9jTfQ7VDRHW5KXPZeG6″ target=”_blank »]Amplify Music 2020 Panel Playlist[/button]
- “Europe CrĂ©ative: des soutiens spĂ©cifiques et un programme en Ă©volution“, BIS, Nantes, January 2020
- The Diversity Roadmap: Accomodating Diversity and Equality in Clubs and Festivals, Eurosonic Noorderslag, Groningen, January 2020
- “Lâobservation comme moteur de coopĂ©ration entre organisations : lâexemple du rĂ©seau europĂ©en Live DMA“, Transmusicales, Rennes, December 2019
- Challenges of Small and Medium-Sized Music Venues & Live Style Europe: a Support for Local Music Scenes! & The Survey: Facts & Figures of Music Venues in Europe, BIME, Bilbao, October 2019
- Music Venues: Grassroots & Growth, MAMA Convention, Paris, October 2019
- Music Moves Europe – Support to Small Music Venues Cooperation & Open Club Day: Join a European Initiative!, Music & Media, Tampere, October 2019
- Open Club Day Poster Presentation, 6th World Forum on Music, Paris, September 2019
[button url=”https://imc70.org/highlights/” target=”_blank »]Read the recap of the 6th World Forum on Music[/button]
- Music Moves Europe: 10 Good Reasons for Grassroot Venues to Apply, Reeperbahn Festival, Hamburg, September 2019
- “Data collecting europeo e Open Club Day: le cassette degli attrezi per contare di piĂč sia e livello locale che internazionale” & “Music Moves Europe, Call “Cooperation of Small Music Venues”, KeepOn Live Festival, Rome, September 2019
- Music Moves Europe : enfin un fonds européen configuré pour nos projets ?, RAFFUT!, Bourges, July 2019
- International Conference for Metal Music Studies – “Live Music & Places”, Nantes, June 2019
- European Agenda for Music at National Level – European Agenda for Music Showcase event, Warsaw, June 2019
- Music, Urban Affairs and the Sustainable Development Goals & Music Moves Europe – What’s in for the artists?, MIDEM, Cannes, June 2019
[button url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0VRBf45X5k&fbclid=IwAR1GNDyzKhAp02GBSddxn74ZwsGz5SRuqq2dzcmgg_XdEhsmD1ze-p0xpsE” target=”_blank »]Video recording of the panel “Music, Urban Affairs & the SDGs”[/button]
- Music is not noise, Primavera Pro, International Concert Venues Congress, Barcelona, May 2019
- Venues as Hubs for New European Talent, Liveurope, Europe Day, Brussels, May 2019
[button url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWZp8k1nIdc&feature=youtu.be&t=706″ target=”_blank »]Video recording of the panel[/button]
- Music Moves Europe – auch eine Chance fĂŒr Clubs und Festivals?, Dialog Pop with LiveKomm, Alteglofsheim (Germany), April 2019
- Live Music Venues as Hub for New Talent, Mil Lisbon, Lisbon, March 2019
- “CrĂ©ation dâindicateurs, collecte, partage, analyse de donnĂ©es et dâinformations : comment les acteurs de terrain, les administrations publiques et les observatoires peuvent-ils mieux coopĂ©rer” ? & “European Copyright Reform in the Digital Single Market” Pop Mind, Rouen, March 2019
[button url=”https://live-dma.eu/european-copyright-reform-in-the-digital-single-market-panel-report/” target=”_blank »]Read the panel report for the European Directive for a Copyright Reform[/button]
- Boosting New European Talent on Live Music Scenes by 2021, ESNS, Groningen, January 2019
- L’Europe, un espace, des cultures, des musiques, Transmusicales Festivals, Rennes, December 2018
[button url=”https://hearthis.at/rencontresetdbats-zn/fedelima-europe/” target=”_blank »]Audio recoding of the panel (FR)[/button]
- NIGHTS Conference, Brussels, November 2018: Social innovations within music events // Nightlife from a European perspective // Pop goes politics // Night ambassador meeting
[button url=”https://live-dma.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/NIGHTS-Conference-2018_NOTES-Live-DMA.pdf” target=”_blank »]Notes on NIGHTS Conference 2018[/button]
- Who owns the night? Policies and regulations to prevent conflicts after dark, Nocturnal Cities Conference, Bogota, November 2018
[button url=”https://live-dma.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ENG-NocturnalCities_VFinal_Single_WEB-1.pdf” target=”_blank »]Nightlife Manifesto – Nocturnal Cities Bogota[/button]
[button url=”https://live-dma.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/718_NOCTURNAL_CITIES_BOGOTA_Report_V2.pdf” target=”_blank »]Report – Nocturnal Cities Bogota[/button]
- European Mobility, Slash – European Music Incubator, Nantes, November 2018
- Lobbying with Industry Key Figures, Reeperbahn Festival, Hamburg, September 2018
- How to join the Open Club Day, Reeperbahn Festival, Hamburg, September 2018
- Music Moves Europe presentation, Raffut, Angoulem (France), July 2018
- Music Moves Europe panel by Relais Culture Europe, Paris, June 2018
- 4th edition of the International Concert Venues Congress at Primavera Pro, Barcelona, June 2018: Clubbing in Europe – quo vadis? // Initiatives against sexual harassment in European music venues // Understanding grassroots venues // Music venues as hubs for social innovation
[button url=”https://live-dma.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Report_International-Concert-Venues-Congress-2018_Live-DMA_ASACC_Primavera-Pro.pdf” target=”_blank »]REPORT – International Concert Venues Congress 2018[/button]
- Live Style Europe & The Survey presentations, Granada Experience (Spain), April 2018
- The importance of venues in the cultural fabric of a city, Mil Lisboa, April 2018
- Live DMA presentation, Eurofonik, Nantes (France), March 2018
- The Open Club Day – Grassroots venues take action, ESNS, Groningen (Netherlands), January 2018
- Audience diversity – Live Style Europe, Transmusicales, Rennes (France), December 2017
- Open Club Day goes Europe, Stadt nach Acht, Berlin, November 2017
- The Survey Presentation, Stadt nach Acht, Berlin, November 2017
- Was vom Wahltage ĂŒbrig blieb, Most Wanted Music, Berlin, November 2017
- The tale of two cities, MaMA Festival, Paris, October 2017
- European Agenda for Music, Reeperbahn Festival, September 2017
- Live Style Europe presentation, Reeperbahn Festival, September 2017
- Live Style Europe presentation, Relais Culture Europe, Paris, September 2017
- 3rd edition of the International Concert Venues Congress at Primavera Pro, Barcelona, June 2017: Music Moves Europe // Music cities – London, Hamburg, Oslo, Barcelona // Live Style Europe launch // Hiring musicians – venues, manages, and artists share their issues // Sound regulations, safety & neighbor relations – music venues’ rights and duties
- Live DMA presentation, Westway Lab, Porto (Portugal), April 2017
- Contribuer Ă l’Ă©laboration de la stratĂ©gie de l’Union EuropĂ©enne Ă partir de 2020, Pop Mind, Grenoble (France), March 2017
- Different models of music venues in Europe, ESNS, Groningen (Netherlands), January 2017
- Where are the women in the live music industry?, ESNS, Groningen (Netherlands), January 2017
[button url=”https://live-dma.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Live-DMA-Eurosonic-Women-in-the-music-industry.pdf” target=”_blank »]REPORT – Women in the live music industry[/button]
- 2nd edition of the International Concert Venues Congress at Primavera Pro, Barcelona, June 2016: Youth & Music practices // Pop goes politics // EE Music // Sustainable development for music venues and festivals // Workshop Amateur practices // Why every music city should have a Night Mayor? // Cities Conference – Paris, Glasgow, Barcelona, Amsterdam // Attitude is everything // The evolution of the bookers’ market in Europe // Survey presentation, strengths and issues of music venues in Europe // EU first steps towards a support strategy for the music sector
[button url=”https://live-dma.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/CONCLUSIONS-INT.-CONCERT-VENUES-CONGRESS-PRIMAVERA2016.pdf” target=”_blank »]REPORT – International Concert Venues Congress 2016[/button]
- 1st edition of the International Concert Venues Congress at Primavera Pro, Barcelona, June 2015: European concert venues : facts & figures // Austin, Groningen, London, Reykjavik, Barcelona – The cities of music // The present and future of concert venues – business models and management // Venues and their audiences – a geolocation relationship // Solima presentation
[button url=”https://live-dma.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Concert-Venues-Conclusions.pdf” target=”_blank »]Report – International Concert Venues Congress 2015[/button]
© Photos in order: Armando Ruah (Primavera Pro 2018) / Ana Viotti (MIL 2018) / Primavera Pro 2016