In 2017, the European Commission granted Live DMA with the European network funding via the Creative Europe programme in order to develop its project Live Style Europe.

Live Style Europe (LSE) is a capacity building programme that aims to empower regional and national live music associations, as well as music venues, clubs and festivals by providing them with skills and tools for an easier adaptation to the evolution of the live music sector. LSE strives to structure the live music sector and to enhance the visibility of the grassroots sector all over Europe.
In order to achieve its goals, Live DMA focuses on collaborative actions such as peer-to-peer learning, exchanges at the European level among its members and with partners.
The six pillars of Live Style Europe
LSE Basics
In order to reduce inequalities, gaps and fragmentation in the European live music sector, LSE provides equal resource and tools for live music venues, clubs and festivals to develop their skills in terms of regulation and legislation.
LSE Everywhere
In several European countries, especially in Eastern and Southern Europe, music venues, clubs and festivals have no representative association to support them. LSE Everywhere aims to structure the live music sector with the support and expertise of other Live DMA members.
LSE for Everybody
LSE for Everybody aims to empower the capacity to react and to adapt to the live music sector’s changes by offering space and time for reflection. Working groups gather expert members from each country, as well as external experts in order to produce helpful resource for venues, clubs and festivals.
LSE World
The Survey is an innovating data collection & sector monitoring methodology to share knowledge on the sector’s current situation. It develops skills, capacity and expertise to analyze and disseminate sectorial issues. The Survey Report can be used from a local to the European level in order to advocacy in favor of live music policies.
LSE Values
LSE Values aims to increase the value of music venues, clubs and festivals by connecting their issues with artists’ support. What Artists Say intends to raise awareness of policy makers and of the population for the live music venues and clubs.
LSE Connexions
Music venues and clubs develop social cohesion and they have an important cultural and economic impact on their environment. Open Club Day strengthens the relations between the venue and their neighbours, develops curiosity about music venues teams, and attracts new audiences with a clear European added value.
Live Style Europe I – Fanzine
Live DMA is a European network for live music associations. With this magazine, we wish to show that the values that have uplifted Live DMA from the very beginning are still as relevant and primordial today. We are very proud of the actions that the Live DMA network have achieved these last years, and we are convinced that we will be able to do our part for the live music sector to move on from unfair and damaging practices to ones that are just, inclusive and sustainable. We hope you will find pleasure and learn many things by flipping through the pages of this magazine which gets back on the most important themes the network has worked on. This is just the beginning.