On the 26th of March 2019, the European Directive on Copyright on the Digital Single Market was adopted. This directive, which aims at ensuring ” a well-functioning marketplace for the exploitation of works and other subject-matter[s] […] taking into account in particular digital and cross-border uses of protected content” has created a lot of debate and confusion in the public sphere.
In March 2019, Live DMA was invited to the POPMIND Conference in Rouen, France to participate in a panel on the European Copyright Reform in the Digital Single Market. After a brief reminder of what is a European Directive and the history of this text, the discussion focused on the contents and limits of the Directive, the position of artist’s in the debate and on how this Directive impacts the music sector.
[button url=”https://live-dma.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Panel-POP-MIND-copyright.pdf” target=”_blank Ā»]Read the report of the panel[/button]