The Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) is the EU long-term budget. The next MFF will cover the years 2021-2027. The budget for EU programmes such as Creative Europe is part of the MFF. Find out in this article how the MFF was negociated and the reactions of European cultural organisations to it.
MFF Negociations – EU Institutions

Proposition from EU Council (27 Member States) of 20/07/2020

Part of MFF: €1 074,3 billion.
Part of Next Generation EU (COVID-19 recovery package): €750 billion.
Part of Creative Europe within the MFF: €1.642 billion. (Budget for Creative Europe for 2014-2020 was €1.46 billion)
Reply of Parliament to the Proposition of the EU Council

The European Parliament approved this resolution and are prepared to negotiate on the MFF, especially on cuts to the long-term budget which are deemed unacceptable by MEPs.
“[The European Parliament] stresses that the interinstitutional negotiations should include the MFF figures per heading and per programme; highlights that flagship programmes are now at risk of experiencing an immediate drop in funding from 2020 to 2021; points out, furthermore, that as of 2024, the EU budget as a whole will be below 2020 levels, jeopardising the EU’s commitments and priorities, notably the Green Deal and the Digital Agenda; insists that targeted increases on top of the figures proposed by the European Council must single out programmes relating to the climate, the digital transition, health, youth, culture, infrastructure, research, border management and solidarity”
Creative Europe Negociations
The Creative Europe programme aims to support the European audiovisual, cultural and creative sectors. It is the first EU programme with budget and funds for the cultural and audiovisual sector.
The budget for Creative Europe 2014-2020 was € 1.46 billion.
Proposals of Budget for Creative Europe by EU Institutions
May 2018: Commission proposes €1.8 billion for Creative Europe
November 2018: Parliament agrees to double the Creative Europe budget to €2.8 billion
May 2020: Commission proposes €1.52 billion
May 2020: Chair of CULT committee of the European Parliament declares that the last Commission budget proposal for Creative Europe is “deeply disappointing”.
July 2020: EU Council proposes €1.64 billion for Creative Europe
Campaigns from the EU Cultural Sector on Budget for Creative Europe
- Culture Action Europe’s Double for Culture campaign
- Uphold Culture in EU budget
- 45 European artistic figures sign A Call to Invest in All Our Creative Futures
- Investing in Europe’s Next Generation by investing in culture
- 78 EU Cultural organisations sign the call Europe’s cultural and creative sectors call for ambitious EU budgetary measures to get through the COVID-19 crisis