This publication provides insight into the Facts & Figures in the Netherlands for the year 2019 of 53 of the 59 music venues, and of all 52 festivals, that are members of the VNPF in October 2020.
The year 2019 was a record year for the Dutch music venues and music festivals in every respect. Never before did the venues and festivals programme so many events and artist performances, and attracted so much audience, as in 2019. Never before did so many employees work so many hours to make all of this possible. This resulted in both artistic and financial records.
In the venues represented by VNPF, 2019 saw 18 093 events (of which 66% music events) which attracted 5 467 628 visits (of which 88% to music events). 28 862 artists were able to perform in 2019.
More information about the report in this dedicated webpage (in Dutch).
[button url=”https://vnpf.nl/media/files/vnpf-dutch-music-venues-and-festivals—facts-and-figures-2019-english-version.pdf”_blank »]Read the report in English[/button]