The Dutch Association of Music Venues and Festivals, VNPF represents 58 music venues in the Netherlands. The venues have a median of 600 audience capacity. Together the venues present well over 26,000 artist performances per year, which attract over 4.1 million visits. Also 49% of the music venues organise festivals.
The VNPF venues do much more than live music alone, and are also involved in educational, social, artistic, culinary, and multi-disciplinary activities, such as:

VNPF music venues are for 98% private non-profit venues, They generate a total income of 167 million euro. The income is a mix of subsidy (25%) and audience spendings (62%) on tickets, food and beverages. Support from the government and the high amount of volunteers work make housing and workers costs lower, so most money that is generated by ticket sales is spent on direct programme costs, and more can be invested in presenting local and emerging talents.

In the Netherlands volunteers are very important for the daily practices in the venue, especially for smaller venues. Of the 8,200 total workers in the VNPF venues, over 4,600 are volunteers, responsible for 17% of all working hours. In total 43% of the workers are female.

To learn more about these venues visit and/or contact VNPF Survey coordinator Arne Dee, arne[@]
Download the Overview
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Based on the data (year 2017) of 51 VNPF music venues, collected during 2018, and extrapolated to data of 58 music venues part of VNPF and Live DMA in 2017.