Kultura Live represents 15 music venues in Basque Country. The venues have a median of 648 audience capacity, but some of them hold less than 150 people. Together the venues present 2,300 artist performances per year, which attract well over 400.000 visits. Also 50% of the music venues organise festivals.
The Basque venues do much more than live music alone, and are also involved in educational, social, artistic, culinary, and multi-disciplinary activities, such as:

Kultura Live music venues are for 80% private commercial venues, but two venues are private non-profit and the one venue in the French part of Basque Country has a public legal status. The business model of these venues is different, but together they generate an income well over 7 million euro.
The share of volunteers is very low in the Basque music venues (6% of the total workforce). Of the 280 total workers in Kultura Live venues, 240 are paid workers. In total 34% of the workers are female.

To learn more about these venues visit http://kulturalive.com/ and/or contact Kultura Live Survey coordinator Arkaitz Villar info[@]kulturalive.com
Download the Overview
[button url=”https://live-dma.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/ATTACHMENT-4C.pdf” target=”_blank »]Overview Kultura Live venues[/button]
Based on the data (year 2017) of 6 Kultura Live music venues, collected during 2018/2019, and extrapolated to data of 15 music venues part of Kultura Live and Live DMA in 2017.