FEDELIMA represents 142 music venues in France. The venues have a median of 500 audience capacity. Together the venues present more than 17,300 artist performances per year, which attract over 2.3 million visits. Also 48% of the music venues organise festivals.
The French venues do much more than live music alone, and are also involved in educational, social, artistic, culinary, and multi-disciplinary activities, such as:

FEDELIMA music venues are for 77% private non-profit venues and 23% public venues, which have different functions and business models. They generate a total income of well over 147 million euro. A large part of the income consists of subsidy (58%), which is related to the relatively high amount of public venues, paid work and social and educational functions. Comparing to other European regions a smaller part of the income is generated by the audience (26%).

In France, because of a different legislation, volunteers cannot receive any compensation or take a task or a job that can be done by an employee. Therefore they are not counted as workers and expressed in working hours and FTE in our Survey results. The French volunteers however, are included in the total human resources in the Survey, to show their high involvement in the FEDELIMA venues. In total the venues have over 8,600 human resources, of which 1,600 paid workers and well over 6,500 volunteers. In total 37% of the workers are female.

Much more information and data per type of venue can be found in the latest FEDELIMA Survey report on their website: www.fedelima.org/ and/or contact FEDELIMA Survey coordinator Hyacinthe Chataigné, hyacinthe.chataigne[@]fedelima.org for more information.
Download the Overview
[button url=”https://live-dma.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/ATTACHMENT-4D.pdf” target=”_blank »]Overview FEDELIMA venues[/button]
Based on the data (year 2017) of 106 FEDELIMA music venues, collected during 2018, and extrapolated to data of 142 music venues part of FEDELIMA and Live DMA in 2017.