The IFPI, the trade body representing the recording industry worldwide, commissioned a report on the economic impact of music in Europe. This report quantifies the gross value added, employment and tax contributions the music sector made to the economies of the 27 Member States of the European Union (EU27) and the UK in 2018.
Live DMA contributed to the report by sharing the data we collect with our Survey. The data has been extrapolated to the 27 members of the European Union. As such, it does not represent the reality of the live music sector in all EU countries but is more of a projection. Moreover, all the activities of the live music sector are not included in this report; indirect revenues linked to amateur practices or volunteers are not present for instance. Nevertheless, the transparency in the report’s methodology states this clearly, and this report should help to better inform firms within the sector, policymakers, and other stakeholders as to the music sector’s economic importance both in absolute terms and relative to other industries.

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