Live DMA prepared these thematic resource sheets so as to give some keys to live music actors on the opportunities, challenges and current questioning of livestreaming practices.
After COVID and the restrictions on live music events, a rise in livestreamed concerts could be noticed. This phenomenon was also pushed by some public funding bodies, which put “livestreaming” or “digitalisation” as priorities in their calls for project funding.
What is livestreaming, exactly? How are the live music sector and the live video production sector intertwined (or not) together? Are livestreamings profitable? Do they change the relationship between audiences and artists? These are the questions we tried to answer in this resource.
This resource does not give fixed and definitive answers to the question above, but rather gives preliminary investigations, as well as giving staple academic papers on the subject, so that readers can form their own conclusions.

This document aims to give a definition of what can be considered a livestreaming, what are hybrid events and what are the main differences with live concerts.

This document aims to give keys to think about the new interactions between audiences, artists and venues that livestreamings can offer.

This document aims at providing info on the various business models of livestreaming, as well as on the profitability of these models.

This document navigates the video production sector and the live music sector in terms of skills needed and possibilities of cooperation.
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This document aims at providing keys on the regulatory framework of livestreaming.