European Associations from the performing and live music sector address a joint letter to Commissioner Mariya Gabriel (Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth) and Commissioner Thierry Breton (Internal Market).
Following a first letter asking the European Commission for the implementation of a reopening strategy, this new letter aims to share recommendations on the necessary next steps to be taken for a coordinated safe reopening of live music events.
It is more than ever the time to start acting, with a cultural sector standing still for more than a year now. The live music sector more particularly is suffering very badly from the situation, with a second pandemic summer coming up.
Read the letter and the sector’s recommendations:
[button url=”” target=”_blank »]Read & download the full letter here[/button]
[button url=”” target=”_blank »]Read & download the reopening proposals here[/button]

Signatories :
AFEM – Association for Electronic Music
ARA – Arena Resilience Alliance
GESAC – The European Grouping of Societies of Authors and Composers
LIVE DMA – European Network for Live Music Associations
Liveurope – The live music platform for new European talent
PEARLE – Live Performance Europe
YOUROPE – The European Festival Association