Analyzing the popular music sector is one of FEDELIMA’s (Fédération des Lieux de Musiques Actuelles – Federation of Popular Music Venues) main tasks. Its motor and founding principle of action is a methodology we have named “Shared and Participatory Survey” (SPS).
The SPS method is a philosophy of action that relies on accompanying and involving stakeholders throughout the survey process. This methodological approach privileges mutual consultation, thanks to collective diagnoses and analyses based on the sharing of data with all participants.
Resources and data are produced every year in cooperation with other organizations and partners. They subsequently feed the federation’s work, analyses and studies. We thus expand our knowledge of popular music ven-ues, as well as of the broader cultural sector. This perennial survey, which started in 1999, is now carried out thanks to an online platform, GIMIC. It was originally developed by the Fédurok, and is now managed by a cooperative society named iCoop. This process of survey, which combines a tool and a method, is being used by growing number of professional organizations, networks of actors and local authorities in France.
The key figures were taken from a national survey conducted by the FEDELIMA, with the participation of its members.
More information can be found on this dedicated webpage (in French).
[button url=”https://www.fedelima.org/IMG/pdf/fedelima_chiffres_clefs_2018_english_version.pdf”_blank »]Read FEDELIMA’s report in English[/button]