The Creative Europe programme aims to support the European audiovisual, cultural and creative sectors. It is the first EU programme with budget and funds for the cultural and audiovisual sector. Indeed, Creative Europe contains three sub-programmes: one dedicated to the Media sector, one dedicated to Culture and one cross-sectoral strand.
Global budget: 1,46 billion euros.
Media sub-programme: 56% of global budget
Culture sub-programme: 31% of global budget
Cross-sectoral strand: 13% of global budget
The Culture sub-programme supports: European Platforms (ex: Liveurope), European Networks (ex: Live DMA), European Cooperation Projects and Literary Translations. Live DMA received a Creative Europe 2014 – 2020 fund for its work as European network.
The cross-sectoral strand includes the European Guarantee Facility.
The Media strand includes funding for the cinema and audiovisual sector.
More info:
Global budget: 2,4 billion euros. The Creative Europe programme 2021-2027 will include the sectorial strand for music Music Moves Europe.
The three sub-programmes and strands are the same as for Creative Europe period 2014-2020 (Media, Culture, Cross-sectoral). The Culture sub-programme will support: European Platforms (ex: Liveurope), European Networks (ex: Live DMA), European Cooperation Projects (ex: INES) and Literary Translations.
Live DMA members and their members might be interested in the Cooperation calls. More info on Cooperation calls here.
Read here the Annual Work Programme of Creative Europe for the year 2021.
New projects also have been added to the Creative Europe programme for the Period 2021-2027:
- Sectorial programmes: Music Moves Europe
- Mobility scheme programme: i-Portunus
Creative Europe has a national desk established in 38 countries in order to promote European initiatives and facilitate participation in the Creative Europe programme.
Each desk has the mission to provide the following services:
- Free information and guidance on how to access funding opportunities under the Creative Europe Programme
- Regular updates on audiovisual and culture related issues at European level.
- Networking support facilitating contact between cultural operators in different countries and partner finding opportunities.
The Creative Europe Desks are autonomous in organizing these services on a national level. If you are interest in European cooperation and in seeking funding from the European Commission, we highly advise you to contact the desk in your country and to signal your interest. They can help you in approaching project partners, orientate you to a funding programme adapted to your needs, and advise you during the application process.
You can find the list of all 38 Creative Europe Desks including their contact information following this link.
Find here some video presentations of the Creative Europe programme
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