From 2011 to 2013 , Live DMA coordinated an Erasmus project called Musication – a project involving 5 popular music organisations from 5 European countries, including 4 Live DMA members: Court Circuit, FEDELIMA, VNPF, ACCES, and D’Orfeu (Portugal). Musication was the first cooperation project of the Live DMA network and helped to structure Live DMA by creating exchange opportunities for live music professionals.
The project itself focused on the evolution of professions in live music venues and clubs, especially in regards of educational and social activities. The existence of such professions was a relative recent evolution with no specific professional training provided by higher education institutions. Musication aimed to establish a common pedagogical frame for these professions.
Research on the topic was conducted in each country, alongside workshops with employees in charge of educative and social activities in live music venues.
Musication produced job descriptions for employees in charge of educational and social activities. In addition, a final conference resumed the outcomes of this two years cooperation project.
[button url=”” target=”_blank »]Final Report[/button]
[button url=”” target=”_blank »]Job discriptions[/button]