“It’s really important for us to be at the forefront on the sustainability and inclusion questions, to inspire others and help with all these things. If we don’t have a sustainable future, we may not have a future at all.”
Measuring your impact is knowing where you need to take action. It’s as simple as that… in theory. In practice, live music organisers may find the task of calculating a venue’s carbon footprint quite challenging. The venues and clubs who took part in the Digital Safaris on Sustainability did not work alone on this. They…
In January 2021, the UK officially left the European Union. While many people working in the cultural and creative sectors deplored this evident step away from European cooperation, Brexit also brings new logistical, financial and bureaucratic challenges to UK live music scenes as well as European ones. Indeed, according to the Music Moves Europe study…
Find below a list of national center for statistics as well as cultural indexes sorted out by country. EU Eurostat: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/home OECD Statistics: https://stats.oecd.org/ Compedium of Cultural Policies & Trends: https://www.culturalpolicies.net/ Atlas on Demography & Migration: https://migration-demography-tools.jrc.ec.europa.eu/atlas-demography/ BELGIUM STATBEL – Belgian Statistical Office : https://statbel.fgov.be/en DENMARK Denmark Statistics: https://www.dst.dk/en ESTONIA Estonia Statistics : https://www.stat.ee/en FINLAND Statistics Finland : https://www.stat.fi/index_en.html…
In March 2020, at the occasion of our Live Style Europe Podcast, we interviewed Isabelle ‘Isi’ Von Walterskirchen, board member of PETZI and manager of the Clubbüro at the Rote Fabrik in Zurich about the concept and principles of horizontal governance, a democratic and non-profit practice of management. Find out more about horizontal governance in…
Ethic charters, guidelines, manifestos, special programmes or mission statements are a great way of developing humane policies around the values communities would like to see in society. By making explicit their values, live music scenes commit to them. They state who they are and who they are going to be for the next years. They…
Folken is a concert venue and a students’ house in Stavanger, Norway. In 2013, the venue experienced a drop in visits and revenue as well as an overall bad reputation from their neighbours and the students of Stavanger. To counter this, they decided to research exactly what people thought of Folken as well as what they…
On the 3rd of April 2020, Music Policy Forum organised an online free Music Cities Together conference, with Mark Davyd from Music Venue Trust (UK), Kwende Kefentse researcher on “music ecosystems” from the City of Ottawa (CA), Don Pitts and Michael Bracy from the Music Policy Forum (US). The conversation evolved around music policies in…
“It’s really important for us to be at the forefront on the sustainability and inclusion questions, to inspire others and help with all these things. If we don’t have a sustainable future, we may not have a future at all.”
“It’s all about sharing and cooperation!”
“We need organisations like Live DMA to support our activities. During COVID, it was important to have Live DMA meetings so that we could learn what was going on in the other countries, and that was very helpful when it came to the lobby work on the local level”
“We have been celebrating the 10th anniversary of Live DMA, a network which was created in 2012 by venue networks from all over Europe. The purpose was to share knowledge and skills with each other, and to set up common projects, and I think we’ve succeeded in doing that!”
“I learned to collect and process data with good quality, and also I learned the importance of data to start a dialogue with institutions. Good data gave ACCES a lot of recognition”
ʻʼThanks to Live DMAʼs Survey, we showed our government that the more a venue is subsidized, the more money they generate. The Ministry of Culture had little knowledge of our sector. So to present these figures from different European countries was crucial in re-valorising our subsidies.”