Communication Officer

LSE Podcast #12 – February 2020

After a few words on the activities we led at Eurosonic Noorderslag Festival in January 2020, the podcast of February 2020 presents the new Facts & Figures of the European live music sector, as presented in our latest Survey publication. After a focus on the Diversity Roadmap, a tool...

Volunteers in European Live Music Scenes

Volunteers are a huge part of the culture and functionning of live music scenes in Europe. Whether it is an activity that you start to meet new people, as an commitment to your local community and/or to get a foothold on the live music sector, the reasons to volunteer...

LSE Podcast #11 – January 2020

The first Live Style Europe radioshow of 2020 focuses on advocacy within the European live music sector. Advocacy means “public support for an idea, plan, or way of doing something”. Learn more about how Live DMA advocates for better conditions for the live music sector and the several campaigns...

LSE Podcast #10 – December 2019

This tenth episode of Live Style Europe focuses on the theme of sustainable development and ecology in the live music sector. As the European Union has put the fight against the climate crisis as one of its top priorities, and recognized culture as one of the pillars of sustainable...