Live DMA’s 2019 EP elections statement
As part of the Live DMA 2019 EP elections’ campaign, we released a statement aimed at MEP candidates and policy-makers. This advocacy tool for live music venues, clubs and festivals asserts the values and goals shared by our network and affirms our position as stakeholder for the live music sector.
With this statement we request that live music and its transversal issues be at the core of the EU policies. We advocate for the dialogue between live music actors and politicians to continue, so policy-makers may implement informed and beneficial measures for the sector.
In this statement, we commit:
- To represent a collective voice based on the democratic participation of our members.
- To cooperate and provide accurate knowledge and expertise on the sector’s challenges to policy makers through Data collection (The Survey) and exchange of knowledge (the resource platform).
- To cooperate with various partners in order to build collectively a strong and coherent sector (working on topics such as culture, music, research, cities, health, social, economy).
- To promote the general interest in adequation with European values and cultural rights.
We also call on the EU to ensure:
- The renewal of the support on Creative Europe with more budget to achieve ambitious plans.
- The support of the live music sector with dedicated actions on circulation, training schemes, observation as it was started with the Music Moves Europe program.
- The organisation of a dialogue between the sector and policy makers to cooperate on the design and implementation of public policies.
- The nurturing and protection of the diversity of organisations (from small and medium sized independent companies to non-profit organisations) facing multinational companies seeking private profit only.
- The connections and the culture with other sectors and EU programs[
- The recognition of venues for their cultural and social values and not only as entertainment and facilitate their access to funding and/or beneficial tax regimes.
- The development of a fair legislation that does not solely accommodate large corporate monopolies.
- The support of the sector’s structuration by strengthening representative national and European associations.
[button url=”” target=”_blank »]Download Full Statement in PDF[/button]