On the 20th & 21st of February, the Live Style Europe working group “Music is not noise” met in Trix, Antwerp (Belgium) to work on the challenges related to sound regulations.
We drafted the working group so that it could address the challenges of sound regulations from a technical perspective, but also from a political standpoint, that includes urban development, societal and cultural aspects related to the topic of sound regulations. You can find the full report of this first session now on our website.
The working group elaborated the first drafts of tools that will enable Live DMA and its member to act and react to the challenges identified. The tools will be shaped for the benefit of all the venues, clubs, and festivals represented by Live DMA and its members.
A second session in April hosted by sala zero, a venue based in Madrid, will enable us to finalise these first impulses, to complete our action plan, and to make our tools public.

[button url=”https://live-dma.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/REPORT-WG-ANTWERP_PUBLIC_201802.pdf” target=”_blank »]MUSIC IS NOT NOISE – REPORT 1[/button]